so...I'd been thinking about GLaMPiNG for a few months...I loved the thought of turning a vintage travel trailer into my own personal doll house...I chose a color scheme and spent hours on pinterest looking at ideas and haunted Craigslist searching for a trailer...unfortunately...I was a little late to the party and everyone and their trendy mother wanted a the price of crappy trailers in SoCal was outrageous :(
In the course of my Internet bunny trailing...I ended up finding a decent looking trailer in New was a 9 hour drive...but the price was right and the seller assured me that there was no rot (unheard of) and that it had recently been rewired...I told her I was just looking to decorate and do superficial repairs...that I was in NO WAY a handyman...she assured me the trailer was perfect for I bought it...
As I looked into all the things I knew I wanted for my new toy, I realized it would be a lot more expensive than I thought....sooooo....I decided to have my own personal craft show at my house...
Of course...I decided this on a Sunday morning and chose to host the show the following Friday night and was a LooOOoOooOOoNG week...with every night having 1:00am or 2:00am bed time...
Here's a peek at some of the goodies I made...
...felt snowman ornament...a la Debbie Olsen's blog...
...decorated mason jar mugs... trees...
these were a CoMPLeTE pain...but I liked how they turned out
...more mason jar goodness...
...decorated and candy filled Taylored Expressions purses...'s a shot of one table filled with my craftiness...there were two other tables as well.
I was a little concerned at first...there wasn't a lot of traffic Friday night...but Saturday was awesome! I have the best friends and neighbors and daycare parents...I had orders and sold nearly everything...what I didn't sell, my mom took to work and lots of that sold too! :) I raised enough money to pay for 2/3 of my GLaMPeR!!
It was also an eye opener for me...I realized that not only do people really enjoy my craftiness...they like it enough to pay for it...without complaining..and are happy to hand over money to get the goods...I've never really thought my stuff was cute enough to sell...this proved me wrong :)
Here's a shot of us picking up Dottie (all GLaMPeRs need a name)
Unfortunately...the seller was not entirely honest and she is MuCH more of a project that anticipated...there may have been an unscheduled pit stop on the way home when the PaPER CLiPS functioning as fuses came loose and she had no lights...sigh...I'm thinking there's going to need to be another craft show... :)
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